How to generate AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access Key — for S3 as an example
This page explains the steps to generate the access and secret key pair from AWS console. We will take an example of accessing an S3 bucket with these keys.
If you are root user
- Post login — Its recommended to create IAM user and permit the IAM user only to a / few services and not to the entire console. To create a IAM user search for IAM in the search box once displayed, click on it
2. Click on “Users” in the left side menu
3. Click on “Add users” button
4. Enter “User name” , choose “Access type” and click on Next
5. If you only want to add a policy to this IAM user, select “Attach existing policies directly” or if you have multiple users then you may select “Add user to group” and click on “Create group” button
6. Here I am creating the group with “AmazonS3FullAccess” policy selected and click create group
7. Group that you had created is selected by default. Click on “Next” button, Click on “Next” button again until you see the “Create user” button. Click on “Create user” button
8. You can see access and secret keys
If you are IAM user
- Click on the top right corner where your organization is displayed, Click “My security credentials”
2. Click on “Access keys (access key ID and secret access key)” and click on “Create new access key”
Test the access and secret key
Now since we have granted the user to our S3 , I use here a S3 browser (please download and install)
- Use your access and secret key to browse the S3 bucket in “Add new account ” window and click new “Add new account” button
2. It displays the list of S3 buckets you are allowed to access
Hope this helps someone!. Feel free to comment on anything that can be improved!
You may also want to see How to create an S3 Bucket in AWS
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